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Главная » Файлы » Патчи » Settlers 3

The Settlers 3 Патчи
[ ] 21.09.2008, 19:50

Скачать патч (совместимость игры с Windows XP)
Скачать патч (Обновление игры с версии 1.28(38) до 1.06)
Скачать патч (Обновление игры с версии 1.50(59) до 1.06)

You can update your version quite simply by logging in on the SETTLERS III
Internet Server. The most recent update will then be automatically downloaded
and installed on your computer. Of course, you can also update in the
traditional way if you prefer.

Versions 1.00-1.59


- Mission descriptions in the English version are now correctly displayed in
- Incorrect map names which made ladder games unplayable under certain
circumstances have been corrected.


- Adjusts the entire system to the latest version
- New code for errors with illegal lobby ID.
- Error in chat log has been corrected
- Desync games are never counted in ladder results
- Release of new ladder maps


- The error with thieves has been eliminated.
- The invisible button in the temple has been removed.
- The error that occurred while moving ships has been corrected.
- Chat Admins who are also Blue Byte clan members appear in the chat with blue


- New game mode "Easy" for all campaign games
- New feature for the economic game mode: Game duration can be set before the
game begins
- Elimination of desyncs, which occurred after loading saved games
- Elimination of the so-called "fish cheat" or "marketplace cheat"


- There are no longer desyncs when using the spells "Transport Goods" or "Bring
- All transformation spells are again functioning with up to 40 units of goods.
- The Amazon spell "Gold to Stone" can now be used on gems too.
- Egyptian gems are counted in the final statistics once more under the rubric,
- Errors while logging into the Lobby have been removed.
- Building statistics can be activated or deactivated by using "Strg-B".
- Delivery of materials to the Gong Hall are effected without problems.
- The goods distribution menu for the gem mines has been corrected.
- LAN games no longer cause DirectPlay errors.
- The duplication of goods for the spell "Bring Goods" has been corrected.
- The sound of the bees should no longer cause any system crashes.
- All Amanzon multiplayer maps can now be used for ranking list games too.


- For those who have not yet gotten the QUEST OF THE AMAZONS, an update to
version 1.51 is now available which ensures compatibility for multiplayer

Warning! This update ushers in some changes in the SETTLERS III world. After
updating, it will no longer be possible to play old saved games except those
from the campaign maps! If you have any saved games that you want to finish up,
do this before you log in on the Settler Server!


- Quick recruitment of soldiers by demolishing barracks immediately before the
recruitment is no longer possible.


- Correction of manna-production.
- The effect of the magic spell "Samurai Sword" has been reduced.


- The entry "Amazons" no longer appears in the world ranking lists. Game play
errors resulting from this have been eliminated.
- The message that a game has not been saved in the last xx minutes has been
- The manna display has been corrected.


In addition to the World Ranking Lists, following new features:

- The progress of the diggers at the construction site is now displayed as a
- Goods, which are lying free in your territory are now also brought to a newly
built storage area.
- There is now a warning message when you are about to crush your last tower.
- If you have connection losses which can be traced back to poor connection
quality, the program now gives you a clear message about the poor connection!


- Time Display:
So that you know how long you've been playing, you can switch on a stopwatch
in the lower right-hand corner of the screen by hitting the "t" key. To switch
it off, hit the "t" key again.
- Multiplayer Gamesave:
Saving multiplayer games was one of the most requested features from gamers.
Here it is. Each player can save the game by clicking on the computer symbol in
the lower left-hand corner of the screen and then on Save. The game will then
be saved on the computers of all the players so that if the game is ended
before one player emerges victorious, the game can be later initiated by any of
the players in the SETTLERS III Lobby.
If one of the players is not available to continue the game, this player can
be replaced by a computer player.
It isn't possible, however, for a human player to take over from a computer
You can't load a saved multiplayer game from the "Load Game" button! You'll
find your saved game in the same place where you choose other net games from
the lobby. Click on "Saved Multiplayer".
You won't be asked to name the game when you save it. You won't have to
choose a save location either. The game will be saved in the directory
A display in the chat line shows all of the players in the game the name of
the player who has saved the game. There must be at least a minute's interval
between saving games.
A saved game is initiated just like any other net game. In the lobby, click
on "Create Game" and then choose the saved game you want to begin under "Saved
Multiplayer". Saved games are listed there. When you click on one of them, the
name of the map, the time at which you saved the game and a list of the players
in the game will be displayed where you normally see the preview map. Confirm
your choice with "OK" and you'll automatically return to the meeting point
where you can wait for the other players in the game.
- Automatic Saved Games in the Campaigns
When you've completed a map in the campaign, have read the end-of-the-game
statistics and have clicked with your mouse, the mission briefing for the next
map appears. When you then click on "Return", the program now recognizes that
you've completed the previous map and have begun with a new one.
You can load these saved games from the main menu by clicking on "Load Game".
In the menu which then appears on the right, click on "Campaigns". A list will
appear in which all of the campaign missions wheich you have begun are listed.
Click on the mission which you most recently discontinued.
All of the missions of the original campaigns have been made available under
the assumption that you've already successfully completed them.
- Improved Construction from the Artificial Intelligence
The Computer Artificial Intelligence is now more effective at building at the
beginning of the game. It can now build up a functioning economy more quickly
than before.


- Connection problems experienced while attempting to join a game should now be


- Resolves several known issues with desynchronization.
- Removes the occurrence of a false message appearing after completion of the
eighth Asian mission.


- Active units are displayed in the menu.
- The "Distribution of Goods" menus may be selected directly from the current
- New Lobby Server messages keep you up to date on logon events.
- More tooltips have been added to the Multiplayer Mode. They tell you what the
buttons in the Lobby are for.
- New chat commands are available in the Online Lobby.
- The initial Lobby Server logon automatically invokes the "Create Player"
- Additional messages alert you in case the swap file is not large enough.
- Scrolling under Windows NT was improved.
- SETTLERS III may now be played on systems without the WININET.DLL. Updates
may be performed manually.
- The interval between leaving the Settlers Server and immediately logging on
again has been reduced.
- The "You have won!/You have lost!" messages are deactivated in games without
- Infrequent problems with large fonts in the Lobby have been fixed.


- Desyncronization problems in multiplayer games have been fixed.
- In some situations, multiplayer games crashed when a player departed a game.
This has been remedied.
- Your game will be checked for virus infection at the start of every game. You
will be informed if a virus is detected, and the game will not start.
- The discrepancies in the mission-briefing of the third roman mission have
been removed.
Категория: Settlers 3 | Добавил: Makaren
Просмотров: 4643 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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