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Главная » Файлы » Патчи » Settlers 6: Расцвет Империи

The Settlers: Rise of an Empire [patch v1.6]
[ · Скачать удаленно (196 Мб) ] 19.09.2008, 13:43

Патч к игре The Settlers: Rise of an Empire (Расцвет Империи) версии v1.6

Скачать патч (195.61 Mb)

Список изменений:

THE SETTLERS - Rise of an Empire Version History

Version 1.6

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a memory leak that lead to slowdowns and crashes when playing the game
for a long time.
• Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after a player has lost a 2vs2 game.
• Fixed several issues with the online mode that caused the game to crash.
• Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when exiting the game while viewing a
large lake or a coast.
• Fixed a rare crash caused by siege towers.
• The game no longer crashes when placing a building at the edge of the map.
• The game should crash less frequently when the graphics card is out of
• Several minor crash fixes.
• Turret catapults can now be rebuilt if the construction worker dies.
• Fixed an exploit that allowed players go gain unlimited gold and resources
during a 2vs2 game.

Bug Fixes (Mission pack specific)

• Mission 2 - Hendalla: The holy cow got stuck at the first market place
sometimes. This also resulted in the creation of hundreds of enemy battalions
over time.
• Mission 6 - Praphatstan: Praphats gold carts stopped moving when the player
built walls at certain locations.
• Bay of Alliance: The player was told to move "Soldiers" to a village although
only swordsmen were checked for.
• Several minor improvements to all maps.

Improvements (Online mode)

• Players can no longer be flooded with clan invitations.
• Prevented room join & leave messages from appearing while users are
• Made ranked game validation more reliable.

Known Issues

• After loading a saved game created prior to version 1.3 the game may crash if
numerous saved games exist.
• Saved games from versions older than 1.1 cannot be loaded. We advise you to
finish your latest mission before applying the patch.
• Saved games from the campaign tutorial mission (Vestholm 1) made with game
versions 1.1 and 1.2 will not work properly. We advise you to finish the
tutorial before applying the patch.

Категория: Settlers 6: Расцвет Империи | Добавил: Makaren
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